Quality Control
When ensuring continued high quality, and improvement wherever possible, we work in groups to bring the experience and expertise of the various staff members, experts, engineers, etc. to bear. Our formal quality system is accredited to BS EN 9002.
All of the materials we use are top quality and we can supply any letters or certificates of conformity as required.
As an added measure, high-value and special finish sheets and components are polycoated on both sides to increase the protection of the finish during transport, handling and installation.
Delivery and Fulfillment
We aim to dispatch orders within three working weeks of order acknowledgment. This time can be reduced in many circumstances, dependent on the current workload and the details of the particular order (the need for specialised tooling or special-order materials, for example).
We are flexible, and adapt to the customers’ needs whenever possible. Any foreseeable delays will be discussed with the customer beforehand to ensure clear scheduling and expectations, and any delays due to special material availability or third-party delays will be communicated as soon as they are known. We will keep you apprised of any developments during the process of your order.

Custom Panel Designs
Hole shapes are chosen from our extensive library, which is always growing to provide even more choices. In the unlikely event you can’t find what you are looking for, ask us if it can be made available; in most cases we can manufacture a new tooling to suit.
Depending on the thickness of the sheet in use, we can punch holes from as small as 2mm to as large as 100mm (this maximum refers to circular holes; for square holes the maximum is 70mm). If you need larger hols than this, we can produce them using our laser profiling machine.
Up to 20 different hole sizes can be incorporated into the same panel design.
The most functionally-effective geometry for the hole pattern depends on the intended use of the panel, and our engineers can advise you on which designs will work best for a particular application, and result in the best wear results for the intended use.
Our CAD/CAM system helps us to very quickly turn a concept into reality. These data are directly communicated to the fabrication machinery to produce a final product that is true and accurate to the initial design.
This results in a fast, flexible production system that can adjust to changes in application need and can meet any special requirements that may arise. For example, pattern angles can be adjusted to match non-standard staircase angles, or to match staircase angles to ramp angles, allowing a harmonious balustrade look over these varying components of an architectural design.

Apertures for fixing components, notching, slotting, and radius corners can all be carried out at the production stage, facilitating immediate and delay-free installation.
We hand-finish all of our panels to ensure a product that is free of sharp edges and corners so each component is safe to transport, handle and install.
We can also bend, roll, or fabricate components to suit your technical or installation needs, add value to your product, and reduce/eliminate further costs at the point of installation. Please inquire as to how me might reduce your on-site subcontractor costs in this way.
We also provide a variety of post-perforation processing services, such as anodising, galvanising, plating, and powder coating.
Also see our shredder screens service, and our perforated sheet metal panels.